Hello Friends, The Under Skill India Mission of Government of India Online applications are invited from Indian citizens for engagement of 57th Batch (for Non-ITI & ITI candidates) of Trade Apprentices Training under the Apprentices Act 1961 and amendments thereof in Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories located in different States across India.

The total number of vacancies is approx. 5395 including 3508 ITI and 1887 Non-ITI. The engaged apprentices shall be imparted training in the Indian Ordnance Factories which are located all over India.
Yantra India Limited Recruitment 2023
- Organization: Yntra India Limited
- Post Name : Apprentice
- Total Post :5395
- Application Mode :Online
Education Qualification
- This Most Should have Passed Madhyamik (class X std or equivalent) as on date of notification for applying with minimum 50% marks as per criteria of that Board. (as per their Marksheet) and with minimum 40% marks in Mathematics and Science each
For ITI Category :
- Ther Should have passed relevant trade test from any institute recognized by NCVT or SCVT or any other authority specified through Gazette notification of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship / Ministry of Labour and Employment with duration as per the Apprentice Act 1961 with minimum 50% marks. The relevant trade to be considered will be strictly on the basis of Schedule I of Apprentice Act 1961 (and amendments thereof).
- The Very In addition, candidate must have passed Madhyamik / Class X std or equivalent (Minimum 50% marks in Matriculate / Class X std).
Age Limit :
- Between 15 to 24 years as on 30.03.2023
Salary :
- NON-ITI (Matriculation/ Xth Class Candidate) Rs. 6000
- EX-ITI (ITI Pass candidate) Rs. 7000
Application Fees :
- Application fee for UR & OBC Candidates (Non-refundable) – Rs.200/-/- plus GST. Application
- fee for SC/ST/Women/PWD/Others (Transgender) – Rs. 100/- /- plus GST (Non-refundable).
How To Apply?
- This Candidate must apply ‘online’ ONLY directly through the link given on website:
- https://www.yantraindia.co.in, under “Career” Tab No other format of application shall be entertained. Candidates are required to read the instructions indicated in the advertisement thoroughly before submitting application.
Important Dates,
Online Application Last Date : 14.04.23
Notification: View
Apply Online : View
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