Hello Friends, THE GSEB SSC (10th) and HSC (12th), Old SSC students and applicants can now apply for Online Duplicate Marksheet at www.gsebeservice.com, This Certificate, Migration, and Certificate of Equality. Thus, students will no longer have to visit Most Gandhinagar shocks for duplicate mark sheets.

The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Board had told Yadi in a newspaper that the process of getting duplicate marksheet has now been made online. And you can process online from gsebeservice.org website. But this website does not exist at all. Meaning its domain name is probably bought by someone else. So you don’t have to use it. The following is a website made by GSEB
GSEB SSC/HSC Duplicate Mark Sheet Online
- GSEB & GSHEB aka Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board website (www.gseb.org), Gandhinagar conducts public examinations of SSC and HSC. In which the records of the Result from SSC to the year 1952 to the year 2021 and standard 12 to the year 1976 to the year 2019 are maintained.
- The On the basis of this record from the Student Service Center in the office of the Board, the student was given a duplicate marks sheet certificate of class-10/12, migration to the pass-1/9 pass student, for which the student had to come to the board office with the co-operation of the school principal.
- The During the year many students from different districts of Gujarat used to come to Gandhinagar to get the above certificates in which their time and money was spent by the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, till now.
- It will surely not be possible for each and every student to reach on time due to the global pandemic. That is the reason why the government is deciding to help all the students out. You must know that the state board of Gujarat will be able to make sure to offer some relief to all the students who are looking for their certificates.
How to Obtain GSEB SSC and HSC Duplicate Mark Sheets via the Internet?
- If you’re one of the students who wants to receive the GSEB SSC and HSC Duplicate mark sheet online, you’ve come to the right place. Then you’ve come to the perfect location to look for it. Because we’re going to show you how to obtain a duplicate mark sheet via the internet. So that you don’t have to go to any government agency and waste your money and time.
- This Make careful to go through each and every step we’ve mentioned so far. As a result, you will be able to obtain a replica GSEB SSC or HSC mark sheet via the internet. Take a look at the processes for obtaining a duplicate mark sheet.
How to GET GSEB SSC & HSC Duplicate Mark sheet Online?
- The First, Visit www.gsebeservice.com Site on your mobile or Computer. – LINK
- then find out Students Tab in the menu section
- Then Find out the Students Online service Tab in it.
- If you want to Get an SSC Duplicate mark sheet Then find out “SSC/HSC duplicate Marksheet/certificate” in it.
- If you want to Get HSC Duplicate mark sheet Then find out the “10th duplicate Marksheet/certificate” in it.
- This Most Click on Register Tab.
- Then Fill in your basic detail and Register on them.
- Then log in with your Mobile no. and password and Apply For SSC Or HSC Duplicate mark sheet.
- Well, there are so many applicants who have been applying for the duplicate mark sheet. We are sure that all of you will surely have the wish to know everything about the process. That is the only reason why we are going to ensure that all of you know about the charges and price that students will have to pay for various certifications. That will include Duplicate Marksheet, Migration Certificate, Samkshata Pramanpatra, and Speed Post Charge
What are Application Fees for Duplicate Marksheet?
- Duplicate Marksheet fee Rs.50/-
- Migration Certificate: Rs.100/-
- Samkshata Pramanpatra : Rs.200/-
- Speed post Charge: Rs. 50/-
Direct Link to Download GSEB 10th / 12th SSC – HSC Marksheet: View Here
View More Details GSEB Service: View Here
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